Cookies policy

Before you start surfing the Web we would like to inform you that we use cookies with different purposes on the Website: so you can decide if you wish the cookies to be installed on your computer or not.

If you continue browsing through the Website: IBERIC PREMIUM S.L. will deduct that you accept the setting of the cookies, giving us your consent to install them in your computer.


Cookies are small information files that are sent and stored on the computer from which you access the Website: (PC or personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or smart TV) facilitating its use, to provide a better service.

The Website: uses both first-party (own) and third-party cookies that helps us to improve the quality allowing us to compare, recall, control and understand how our users navigate through the Web, identifying what is useful and what is not and to thereby improve the navigation process.

Cookies used by the Web do not damage your computer. They only serve to improve the services offered. Some of them are strictly necessary for the Website to work well (technical and custom cookies) and other serve to enhance its performance and the user experience (analysis, advertising and behavioral advertising).

The Web uses both session (temporary) and persistent cookies. Session cookies store data while the user accesses to the Web and expire when the user closes the browser; while permanent cookies store data on the device to be accessed and used in more than one session, they usually expire after a certain period of time that can range between two months and two years.


You have the option to allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by adjusting the settings on your browser. Disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of the Website. Each browser uses a different way of disabling cookies, these settings are usually found by selecting Tools or Options. You can also check the Help function where you can find instructions for use. You can choose which you want to work on this Site at any time through your browsing settings; for example:

– Microsoft Internet Explorer

– Mozilla Firefox

– Chrome

– Safari

– Opera


According or depending on the purpose of the data obtained through the cookies, the Web may use:

  • Technical Cookies: are those that allow the users to navigate through a site, platform or application, and the usage of the different options or services offered by them, for example, traffic control, data communication, session identification, login accesses to restricted areas; remember the elements of an order, carry out the purchase process and manage the payment; control fraud related to service security; make the request for registration or participation in an event; count visits for the licensing of the software with which it works; use security elements while browsing, store content for the broadcast of videos or sound; enable dynamic content (for example, animation of loading a text or image) or share content through social networks; possible effective management of the design of advertising spaces on the website.
  • Customization Cookies:  these are cookies that enable the user to access the service pursuant to certain general, pre-defined characteristics according to a range of criteria on the user’s terminal, such as e.g. language, browser type used to access the service.
  • Cookies analysis: are those that allow monitoring and analyzing the behavior of users of the Websites to which they are linked. The information gathered through these cookies is used to measure the activity of the Website, application or platform and for profiling the users´ navigation.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: this cookies store information based on users behavior from continued observation of their browsing habits, which allows to develop specific profiles to show them customize advertisements. The user can unsubscribe from the use of their data for advertising by visiting IAB Spain. You will continue to receive other advertising, but this will not be based on your specific interests.
  • Cookies external social networks: these are used for the Website visitors to be able to interact with the contents of social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and are only available for users registered with them. The conditions of use for these cookies and the information collected are ruled by the privacy policies of the corresponding social network.

The following kind of cookies are being used on the WEB:

Technical cookiesTechnical cookies are essential to navigate around a website and use its features, they allow you to sign into the Website as a registered user.N/A
Customization cookiesAllow to improve the user experience by storing aspects such as the language in which the user wants to view the website, display formats, etc.N/A
THIRD PARTY COOKIES(The information below has been provided by those third parties)
Analytics Cookies  Google Analytics  The Web uses Google Analytics, an analytical Web service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA (“Google”). The information generated by such cookies concerning the use of this website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted to will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and be stored there.   Google shall, on behalf of COMPANY, use this information in order to evaluate your use of the website   put together reports on website activities and provide IBERIC PREMIUM S.L with other services relating to website and Internet usage. The IP address transmitted by your browser under Google Analytics shall not be combined with other Google data.  
Behavioural Advertising CookiesGoogle AdWords / Doubleclick Third-party cookies used to store information on behaviour by observing browsing habits, allowing us to personalize advertising campaigns based on the preferences of users.  
Social plug-in content sharing cookiesYouTube You Tube provides buttons and other features so you bring traffic to our website. The information sent outside the UE to You Tube, is processed by You Tube according to its own privacy policy.  
 InstagramInstagram proporciona botones y otras funcionalidades para que puedas compartir enlaces a nuestra web en tu perfil. La información enviada fuera de la UE a Instagram, relativa a las páginas que has visitado o sobre las cosas que te interesan, son utilizadas por Instagram conforme sus políticas de privacidad.
FacebookFacebook provides buttons and other features for you to drive traffic to our website. The information sent outside the UE to Facebook about what you have visited or your interests, is used by Facebook according to its privacy policies.
 TwitterTwitter provides buttons and other features so you bring traffic to our website. The information sent outside the UE to You Tube, is processed by Twitter according to its own privacy policy.

Specific opt-out systems indicated in the table above regarding the cookie in question (these systems can lead install on your computer a cookie “refusal” to work off your choice); or other third-party tools available online, allowing users to detect cookies on each Website they visit and how to disable them.

IBERIC PREMIUM S.L. is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the privacy policies of third parties contained in this policy of cookies.

If you have any further queries about this cookie policy, please contact IBERIC PREMIUM S.L. in